Health and education are at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals. We support medical students in receiving an excellent medical education and we build the capacity of educators in blended learning and digital literacy.
A total of 57 Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) have been identified to have a critical shortage of health providers. It is estimated that 4 million healthcare professionals are needed to bridge the gap, with 1.5 million in Africa alone.
Every year, approximately 5 million deaths are directly attributed to poor quality of care and around 3.5 million deaths occur from preventable diseases due to non-utilization of health services in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
20,000+ peer-reviewed pre-clinicaland clinical topics
5,000+ clinical case-based scenarios
Built-in interactive learning featuresand multimedia
Customized study plans for exams
18 courses ready to use in any virtual setting
Powerful tool to identify knowledge gaps
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