I continue to use AMBOSS through medical school because the Qbanks are a great resource for exam prep. Not only do they help me identify knowledge gaps but they also have great explanations for why every answer is correct or not.
AMBOSS has been a vital resource that I have used through 3 years in medical school so far and I am planning on using it throughout 4th year. The question bank is challenging but I felt was also very helpful for me to prepare for step and shelf exams. It allowed me to quickly identify my own knowledge gaps and then fill them. Being able to quickly look up information before rounds and presenting helped me be prepared and feel confident throughout clerkships.
I've loved this resource for third year. I believe it helped me do really well on my Surgery Shelf and has tons of questions and great explanations
Amboss has been an amazing resource for me and friends, especially at a school that utilizes problem based learning. The library and the Qbank allow me to fill in the gaps that I have as a self learning PBL student. I use Anki add on, both apps, and mainly the website with Qbank sessions! It is a great tool and I look forward to using it more religiously in year two since I recently found out it works for me. I also plan on using the step 1 resources starting this fall!!!
AMBOSS is amazing! It is like First Aid and Wikipidia got together and had a super baby, and it has the potential of replacing First Aid as the go to study resource.
The practice cases and clerkship study guides have helped me personally and my classmates in making versus breaking on our shelf exams and rotation patients. The more I read the practice cases or study guides and correlate it to real patients I see on the ward, the better prepared I am for the next patient, the shelf exam, the next rotation, and so on.
AMBOSS is an incredible resource regardless of your stage in training. One of my favorite AMBOSS features is it's seamless integration with Anki. I would use it both on my phone and computer while doing Anki flashcards and whenever I didn't know a word or a phrase, a simple click took me to the AMBOSS library where I could review and learn all the high yield information for the term.
The AMBOSS Platform has been a game changer in my medical education. I use this platform while watching live lectures, reviewing for exams, going through my Anki decks, and traveling on long plane rides when I have no Wi-Fi! Having the reference library readily available has provided structure and organization to the abundance of information I've encountered in my pre-clinical years.
Amboss is the best thing I have discovered during my time in medical school! This is the one resource I use every single day in my studies and during clinic. Their practice questions are not only challenging but also well written, helping me prepare for my exams. For the exams that I have used their Step1 questions, I have felt more than prepared. Their anki connection also helps learning cards and reviewing much easier. I have recommended this to all my friends and none of them have been disappointed. Beyond the classroom, I use this app to look up common pathophysiology and drug information in clinic between seeing patients. The amount of helpful information that Amboss Knowledge App has is phenomenal and a resource that any medical student can use at any stage of their journey.
AMBOSS is the best comprehensive study resource on the market. The elegance of the layout allows you to effortlessly transition between practice questions and content review. One of my absolute favorite features is the overlay on images, which helped me to identify commonly tested concepts and hone in on what to focus on in provided images. I used AMBOSS daily in my preparation for Step 1 and Level 1 and my results were beyond my best wishes.
I really love the QBank when prepping for medical school examinations. They offer a challenging and wide variety of topics that are similar to the questions asked on the exam. I also utilize the library quite often when studying to get a different perspective/wording than those used in class to really nail in the tougher concepts.
AMBOSS is an essential tool to use for clinical rotations. The articles they have all of the high yield information necessary and have been an integral part of my readings on patients I have seen. The AMBOSS feature on Anki is a huge part of my studying as well as it makes your studying with anki so efficient .
AMBOSS is easily the most comprehensive one stop resource for STEP Preparation and exam troubleshooting - start using it from day 1
I just want to say thank you for creating such an amazing and user friendly interface. If I could shake the hands of (or elbow bump) everyone involved in the creation of this program I would. I have struggled academically because there was never a tool that allowed me to learn new information, immediately access my understanding, strengthen weak points and integrate knowledge. I tell anyone who will listen about the improvement I have seen while using AMBOSS so far. Thank you for making learning fun for me again.
It has proved to be very useful both for studying and reference on the wards. The app is easy to navigate and I'm able to find relevant clinical information quickly. I especially like the dialogue boxes that give further explanation, pictures, and links to related topics. Everything is interwoven beautifully. It reduces the need to look at many different sources. For example, when I had a pediatric patient with a rash I was able to review pictures of rashes, develop a differential diagnosis, and consider testing and treatment options before presenting to the attending.
I used AMBOSS throughout my M2 year to prepare for Step 1. I utilized the AMBOSS add-on to anki and supplemented my Anki cards with their library and Q-banks. I feel that AMBOSS does an excellent job of testing similar concepts from multiple perspectives that really help the student understand the concept and how it can be tested in multiple different ways.
“AMBOSS is by far the best resource I have encountered for studying for Step 1 and for my school's block exams which are made using retired NBME questions! My favorite feature so far is the Anki add-on ... AMBOSS's Anki add-on is the biggest time-saver and the best learning enhancer out there. I feel like AMBOSS allows me to do so much learning in such an efficient and effective manner!”
AMBOSS taught me HOW to approach questions and WHAT I was supposed to be focusing on, so that I knew WHY an answer was correct or incorrect. AMBOSS was crucial to my STEP 1 score.
You have created a great study platform that I feel has been key in my preparation for Step 2.
I like most of the things AMBOSS puts out, but I'm a huge fan of their knowledge app. It's been extremely helpful on rotations because I can quickly verify or look up something, with only high-yield info popping up if I choose to have that feature. It's quick and helpful during rounds so you're not as lost when words you're not familiar with yet are getting thrown around. 10/10 would recommend!
I started using Amboss during my pre-clinical years of medical school. I can most definitely say that after using various different resources, if you had to pick/buy only one resource for all of medical school, Amboss would be your best bet. I scored a 260+ on Step 1 due the combination of my work ethic, spaced repetition, qbanks and using trustworthy resources like Amboss to supplement information for my anki flash cards.
I have been using AMBOSS daily since starting school. The Anki add-on makes it so easy to clear up any uncertainty by linking the full library straight into my flashcards. I use the library as a primary resource for every class and love having the ability to filter the information based on my goals. Lastly, the Qbank is phenomenal, the questions are asked in novel ways and I can honestly say that every session allows me to learn something that I may have otherwise missed using other resources. I fully intend to continue using AMBOSS as my go to resource for the rest of my medical education.
The AMBOSS comprehensive library/question bank are an absolute game-changer for medical education around the world. The associated questions challenge your understanding of the material you just read in the library. The shelf exam and clinical rotation prep material is equally as impressive and have prepared me well for the wards!
AMBOSS is the resource that we’ve been waiting for -- its integrated platform helped me study smarter and set a new personal best
I took the AMBOSS Self-Assessment 4 months before my STEP 1, and used it as a baseline to start tracking my progress. It helped me ask a very important question, "how much of the STEP 1 content am I comfortable with at this stage?" Looking at my strengths and weaknesses at an early stage allowed me to kick-start my STEP 1 preparation with a solid plan, and paved my way to a successful Test Day!