Students from med schools across the nation use AMBOSS daily — and love it! Find out why, below

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I use amboss multiple times each day in both the academic and clinical aspects of its usefulness. The ability to find vast descriptions on almost every medical topic, including the general overview, pathophysiology, and treatment sections are second to none. Also, the questions in my opinion are equal if not superior to other resources such as UWorld. I only used amboss when studying for the FM and IM shelf exams and did better than most of my classmates!

Jason Becker
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine - Greensburg (LECOM - Seton Hill)

Graduation Year:  


I am an avid user of AMBOSS, and I credit my STEP1 score (>260) in a major way to the thorough but succinct knowledge bank designed for the medical student and the question bank providing a unique style of questions designed at probing understanding and specific knowledge. On the wards, the knowledge bank has been immensely helpful in digesting new concepts and applying them to patient care and the question bank continues to be very helpful for shelf examinations in particular.

Sapan Shah
Albany Medical College

Graduation Year:  


This is awesome! I just tried it out on a couple of questions, and it’s SUPER easy to navigate. I can imagine this feature saving me hours of typing in different keywords to unlock all the relevant cards per each question.

Kyle Gonzalez
Tufts University School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I feel like it's a comprehensive and trustworthy resource and it has prepared me well for all of my school's internal exams.

Caroline Artymowicz
Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I have become almost completely reliant on Amboss knowledge bank and question banks during preclinicals. It is the closest to our in-class material, including some of the really low-yield stuff that other resources to not cover. All of my friends have bought subscriptions after doing some questions together a long time ago and I have grown to trust Amboss as a primary source interchangeable with UpToDate. I really appreciate the inclusion of "low yield" material in the knowledge bank because our med school loves to test us on the obscure things that are not in first aid or UWorld. Expansion of the Qbank to include more low yield topics that are filterable would be awesome for future pre-clinical students. There is no way to get everything but every disease process amboss has that the others do not have is great justification to spend the extra money.

Joshua Rasco
Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Graduation Year:  


The questions were more difficult than USMLE-Rx or OnlineMedEd, and they were more reflective of the content I encountered on the NBMEs and Step 1. Hence, I felt that AMBOSS was better preparation. Simulations of audio auscultations that are more similar to the system encountered on USMLE Step 1 would be more helpful!

Rehnuma Khan
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


Best all in 1 resource. I got a good group discount price and bought the student life membership. I thought it would save me money overall since it includes banks for step 2 and shelf exams and uworld is just too overpriced and overhyped for me. I also appreciate many of the features like clicking on a key term and having the article pulled up quickly to the right spot to refresh some of my weak spots. I also appreciated the q bank app and being able to do sets while I was traveling at the airport and on planes without WiFi. I thought the questions on amboss are difficult but prepared me well for the nbme exams. I also like being able to go to one resource for pretty much everything. I rarely even use my first aid book or need to check out other videos since most of the time amboss has good explanations and content for learning. I want my school to provide all students with amboss access. Frankly, you have a great resource and I think more people should have access to it regardless of price. It would be cool to have some contests/scholarships/giveaways with amboss memberships

Joshua DeKlotz
Georgetown University School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I did these questions early in my step 1 planning process, with a plan to transition to UWorld closer to my exam date. I love the friendly user-interface of AMBOSS questionbanks. With explanations neatly organized underneath each answer, it becomes imperative in comparing explanations between wrong answer choices. I also love the detailed explanations that are all-inclusive of details pertinent to each condition. Couple these with the opportunity to go through a rabbit hole into AMBOSS by clicking on underlined terms, this resource is currently like no other.

Evan Maroun
Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine - Tampa Bay Regional Campus (NSU Tampa Bay)

Graduation Year:  


The combination of easy access review articles, qbank, and amboss addon are an excellent combination. Not only that, but it is the only one available at a reasonable price

Gilberto Kistner
Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I used AMBOSS questions the most as I studied for block exams throughout first and second year of med school. I felt like the questions and the articles that I referenced gave me a thorough understanding of board-relevant pathology. I also felt like the AMBOSS question interface and the answer explanations were conducive to my learning. thank you for all the valuable resources you provide!

Meghana Malapaka
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine - Greensburg (LECOM - Seton Hill)

Graduation Year:  


The tables used to breakdown information for incorrect answers and general lessons are exceptional for visual learners like myself

Alexandra Lee
Meharry Medical College School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I feel the questions are more challenging which prepares me well. Most importantly though, I feel the ease of review following a question is unmatched. I can gather so much information so efficiently from the answer rationals and the quick links.

Conor Segur
University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences

Graduation Year:  


I always use AMBOSS question banks to help me prepare for my in-house exams. I think the explanations are very thorough and helpful.

Alissa Kainrath
Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Graduation Year:  


It covers everything extensively, I feel like its a little harder than the exam questions I get from my school which helps me feel extra prepared. I really like the assessment - covered everything and hte explanations were amazing.

Barbara Chiu
Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I used AMBOSS throughout my systems courses to create practice exams. I did not want to use the UWorld bank until dedicated. AMBOSS is a great resource. I plan to use this throughout clerkships and honestly my clinical practices. I love the user friendly interface.

Taeya Mayes
University of Florida College of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


AMBOSS was extremely useful during my M3 clerkships. Having the library on my phone was life saving during rounds. It was especially useful at home when studying. If I got a question wrong on UWorld, I'd often go to AMBOSS to read more about the topic. AMBOSS was even more useful at outside hospitals where students didn't have access to UptoDate.

Rebecca Crowther
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


The bank for step 1 and 2/shelf exams has been monumental to my success. I am someone who uses both AMBOSS and uworld, and I believe AMBOSS is better at addressing the breadth of knowledge needed for NBME exams. Neither covers absolutely everything (always some weird drug names or terms NBME uses or situations), but AMBOSS seems to me to have the best coverage and is most similar. The library is very good, and I utilize it on rotations as a quick reference when I need information faster than UpToDate but more in depth than apps like USPSTF or epocrates can give me. The ability to do certain assessments such as STOP BANG through AMBOSS is also very useful and I use various assessments frequently on my iPad through AMBOSS.

Kenneth Greco
Dartmouth College Geisel School of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


I really enjoy the app because of the Anki add-on, the coherence and readability of many of the articles and how fresh and modern the interface of the app is.

Al-Hafis Adegun
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Graduation Year:  


Succinct but detailed. Helps me to find information faster than UpToDate when I just need to learn the basics of an approach to building a DDx or need the basic treatment algorithm.

Bryeson Rodgers
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine - Arizona

Graduation Year:  


Everything I need to know is condensed in once place. Can’t beat it. It’s better than google

Emily Plumage
The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Graduation Year:  


Amboss is like google for medicine. In addition, the question banks are A+

Erika Harness
Thomas Jefferson University Sidney Kimmel Medical College

Graduation Year:  


Amboss is a versatile resource that is valuable in all years of medical school. I'm able to explore practice questions, read up on diseases, answer pharmacological questions, etc. Amboss pulls all these resources together into one, which allows for quicker diagnosis and treatment for patients.

Claudia M
University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine (UNECOM)

Graduation Year:  


AMBOSS is such a helpful resource for clerkships! I’ve gotten “pimped” several times on rounds and this has helped me so much.

Ezra Yu
A.T. Still University, School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona (ATSU SOMA)

Graduation Year:  


I absolutely LOVE those images that compare the different primary and secondary skin lesions! A few minutes of studying these illustrations and I feel like I understand Derm lesions better than I ever have in 3.5 years of med school

Thomas Kardashian-Sieger
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Graduation Year: